Canadian Personal/Corporate Tax Software

This program can efile Auth a Representative (former T1013) and RC59 form to CRA system. You need a valid EFiler ID/Password to do so. Each type of form consumes some paid points for EFiling/Print.
This is a fairly new program, many more improvements are expected in the up-coming software release.
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FormExpress Version 2023, Download link, released on Feb. 05, 2024
Platform File Size Download Link Note
Windows (and for Linux Wine) 25MB formexpress23_efile.exe download/run to install software.
Mac 20MB formexpress2023_efile.pkg Download and run pkg file, it will setup mytaxexpress inside Application, read this FAQ link
Linux Native 40MB formexpress_2023e_x86_64.AppImage Download and run AppImage file, make it executable if needed.

How to use this program
  1. Get an EFiler ID/password from CRA, read this FAQ link.
  2. Get user email/password from
  3. Download and install FormExpress
  4. Set up EFiler ID/password into FormExpress Preference dialog.
  5. Setup user email/password into FormExpress Preference as well
  6. Every $1 paid equals 10 points, points usage can be found in the table below.
    Form/Function Points required
    E-Auth (formerly T1013)/Print&Filing 12
    RC59 (Business Consent), Print&Filing 24
    RC59X (Canceling Business Consent), Print&Filing 12
    T1044, Print (CRA only accepts mailing) 100
    T3010/Print 200
    Corp./Trust T1135, Print&Filing 100
    Corp. T2054 Sch89, Print&SER Filing 200

Buy points
200/500 Points can be purchased at one time for $20/$50, tax extra, from, which is our document platform for future program/features. Points will be valid for all programs using the point system, and the points will never expire until it is used.
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