Canadian Personal/Corporate Tax Software
Makes tax easy.
Unbeatable price.
Get refund quickly.
For tax professional.
Free download trial.
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  • Try myTaxExpress software free.
  • myTaxExpress runs on Windows 7/8/10/11
  • myTaxExpress runs on Linux natively.
  • myTaxExpress runs on Mac OS(screenshot).
  • 3 level customer support to make sure your satisfaction.

    Y2024 Restriction

  • Supports returns for all provinces and territories but Quebec.
  • Doesn't support T1273 for Harmonized AgriStability and AgriInvest Farming Program Information.
  • Features in Y2024

  • E-Signature/E-Delivery is enabled. [more]
  • Filing report with customer billing support. [more]
  • Free offering qualifies if total income (line 150) is less than $10,000.
  • Tax return print comparing amounts in last and current tax year return.
  • ReFile and Express Notice of Assessment(eNOA) and Auto-Fill are supported.
  • customer support method by sending tax return file within software.
  • Client letter can be customized and invoice.

    myTaxExpress generates CRA's official .pdf format printable tax return, plus T1-Condensed print with 2D barcode. Here are some print samples: T1condensed and 2DBarcode  Sample 1 , Sample 2 , Sample 3 

    NETFILE/EFILE Certification
    Check myTaxExpress certification status from CRA NETFILE or EFILE web site. NETFILE/EFILE allows you to get tax refund as quickly as in 2 weeks.

    Spouse Tax Return Coupling
    myTaxExpress can process spouse's tax return together (2 returns will be counted). Spouse-related tax data will be automatically transferred into each other's tax return.

    Shared tax forms and slips
    You can share some tax forms and slips between couples in a coupled tax return and assign a percentage for either person's claim. If you change the amount in one shared tax form/slip, the amount is adjusted in the coupled return automatically.

    Real CRA Tax Form/Slip Input
    Directly input T3, T4, T5 and other tax slips into the tax return; Real CRA tax forms interface will help you master myTaxExpress quickly and easily.

    For Employee or Self-employed or Both
    No matter you are an employee, or have self-business (like Business, Commission, Rental, Professional, Farming, CAIS Farming Fishing), or both situation apply to you, myTaxExpress can do your tax return.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Income tax preparation software companies must seek NETFILE certification from the Canada Revenue Agency (the "CRA") for tax preparation software products which are to be used in conjunction with CRA's NETFILE electronic tax filing service. NETFILE certification of this Product from the CRA may or may not have been obtained at this time. Please consult the CRA website or www.mytaxexpress/netfile.html beginning February 2023 to determine the status of this Product's application for certification.

  • Copyright © 2001- Arcadia Solution Corp. All rights reserved.